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Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

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Study examined the effects of early outpatient exercise on muscle mass, function, and fractional synthetic rate in severely burned children. Forty-seven children with burns covering at least 40 percent of their total body surface area performed 12-weeks standard of care rehabilitation (SOC) or rehabilitative exercise training (RET) immediately following hospital discharge. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to assess lean body mass (LBM) at discharge, post-treatment, and 12 months post-burn. Muscle function was evaluated with a Biodex Isokinetic Dynamometer and peak aerobic fitness (VO2peak) was measured using a modified Bruce treadmill protocol post-treatment. Stable isotope infusion studies were performed in a subset of patients (13 SOC and 11 RET) at discharge and post-treatment to determine mixed-muscle fractional synthetic rate. Relative peak torque and VO2peak was greater post-treatment with RET compared to SOC. In addition, RET increased whole-body and leg LBM compared to SOC. Furthermore, the percentage change in whole-body and leg LBM from discharge to 12 months post-burn was greater with RET compared to SOC. Muscle fractional synthetic rate decreased from discharge to post-treatment in both groups; however no differences were observed between treatment groups at each time-point. The results of this study suggest that early outpatient exercise training implemented at hospital discharge represents an effective intervention to improve muscle mass and function following severe burn injury.


Hardee, Justin P., Porter, Craig, Sidossis, Labros S., Borsheim, Elisabet, Carson, James A., Herndon, David N., Suman, Oscar E.